Tuesday 7 May 2013

One Month

It's crazy that our little man is one month old... He has changed so much! We ordered some super cute monthly birthday stickers, but of course they got delayed in the mail and still haven't arrived! So for now, here's an update on our one month old little boy!

Likes: eating, eating, bath time (usually), eating, sleeping on Mommy or Daddy, eating, being bounced on the exercise ball with Daddy, most stroller rides, eating, Daddy's singing, and eating.

Dislikes: being hungry, stop lights, stop signs, construction or anything that causes the car to stop moving, his manly toots, gas of any nature.

Activities: starting to focus more, lots of kicking, lifting head when lying on someone's chest or shoulder, we caught one legit smile on video, and lots of cooing!

Friday 3 May 2013

Mr. Serious

Our boy has a bit of a discerning look.

He didn't even seem impressed on Opening Day in his Jays onesie.

Serious listening to music.

Serious having a bath.

Very skeptical of Great Grandpa

Seems unimpressed with his dinner.

And wasn't pleased about turning one month old.
Lighten up, Gav.