Thursday 11 July 2013

Three Months

Our teeny baby boy is now a chubby 3 month old! He is changing and developing every day! He is totally focused now, on our faces, the toys on his play mat and his new crib mobile. For the most part he is a pretty smiley boy...other than when it's time for pictures!

This little man is a MOVER. He kicks like crazy in his bed in the morning, kicks while on his play mat, kicks me while feeding... His arms aren't totally under control it seems as they flail everywhere too! He waves his little fists around constantly, sometimes bashing himself in the face. He doesn't mind.

Outfit change for Canada Day (...and because he pooped through the first one before we were done photos.)

Gavin at 3 months:

Likes: morning awake time, Daddy's singing and story time, looooves bath time (kicks like crazy!), Carrier Fit class, chewing his fist, chewing one finger, chewing Mommy or Daddy's finger

Dislikes: middle of the night diaper changes, Mommy picking his nose, thunder (or just the one really loud boom that woke him up), being alone, too much time in the car

Activities: goes to yoga, pilates and Carrier Fit class with Mommy, goes for weekend morning walks in the carrier with Daddy, really liking the sound of his own voice and sometimes gets LOUD when "talking", had his FIRST GIGGLES at Nana in the car, his first trip to the beach and rolled from his back to side to tummy on his play mat!