Wednesday 14 August 2013

Four Months

I think the mark of blog frequency can be directly related to baby's sleep. Baby doesn't sleep = Mommy doesn't blog. Also, Mommy can blame no one but herself for lack of discipline.

From little sleep to daily chores to fitness classes to summer weekends away to going on trips to packing for next trips....let's just say things have been a bit busy. I could say that we've fallen into somewhat of a routine, but that would probably mean it will change again tomorrow so let's not even bother. Just as soon as it seems we have something figured out with our little man, he throws us the next curve ball. I just wish he would SLEEP. I should be grateful for the sleep we do get, but it would be really really REALLY nice after 4 months to be able to sleep more than 2-3 hours consecutively. One of these days...

Gavin has changed SO much, even just over the past few weeks. He is so much more interactive and playful, and is such a happy little guy (most of the time).

I really do want to write a few posts about what has been going on with us (I know, broken record), so we'll see how much I can squeeze in in the next 2 weeks because then.....

We. Leave. For. EUROPE.

That's right. Twenty five days of Europe travel is looming as our departure date RAPIDLY approaches. And I haven't started packing. Not that I don't have about 57 lists in my head of what/how to pack.... We'll get there.

Anyways! Here is a little peek at Gavin in his 4 months of glory!

LIKES: ATTENTION, eating, loooves the water - bath time or pool time, stories with Daddy, being out and about with Mommy, being outside, pulling grass, chewing his blankies, folding his hands, seeing himself in the mirror, pulling hair

DISLIKES: waking up (man, he is MAD sometimes after his naps!), diaper changes in the night, car rides when not in the mood, Mommy picking his nose, getting stuck on his tummy after rolling, Daddy's loud outbursts (we had a major cry after Daddy let out a "HA!" at the tv...).

ACTIVITIES: rolling over ALL the time from back to tummy, holds toys on his own to play with, always grabs/chews his blankies, sitting up with little support, lots of "talking" with different sounds and loud growls, goes to lots of classes with Mommy (yoga, carrier fit, mama group, pilates), everything in his hands gets in his mouth, going longer between feedings, will sometimes nap in crib, lots and lots of smiles and some giggles when we tickle his toes!