Monday 2 March 2015

Round Two

Well, since Gavin's 18 month post has been sitting in drafts for the past almost 6 months....I suppose it's just time to move on. So here we go again!

We found out about Baby #2 in early September. We had always said we wanted kids close in age, but I was terrified even thinking of having two under two, so I wanted to make sure there was at least two years in between. So among calculating dates and knowing we would like to have another spring/early summer baby, next thing we know, a May baby is on the way! This next chapter will be insane and wonderful and probably the biggest challenge of our lives so far. At times I can't even imagine another baby in our lives, and I have a lot of conflicting emotions about adding a sibling for Gavin. I know he is going to be a great big brother, and I know how special it will be for him to grow up with a sibling. But at the same time, it breaks my heart a bit to think about our relationship changing, even just our daily routine being a thing of the past. I know there will be many challenges, and I just hope that we are all ready to keep our cool as we navigate life with a new baby!

It is now my mission to try to document a few things I've been reflecting on about life with Gavin. We have had our challenges, that's for sure, but I am SO proud of the dynamic, intelligent, kind, sensitive and energetic toddler he has become. He literally surprises us EVERY SINGLE DAY with new things he does or says. And while we can't take credit for it all, I do have to say that I am proud of Eric and myself, and confident in certain choices we have made as parents. Hopefully I can get these things written down before completely dropping the ball and likely not writing a single thing down about our poor second child!

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