Monday 24 March 2014

Better Late Than Never...Eight Months

I told myself I HAD to get these done before Gavin turned ONE...which is now a mere 9 days away! How did this happen?! Here's a look at the past few months in the life of Gav.

In December, Gavin turned 8 months old. This was a pretty perfect age for all the excitement of Christmas! He was interested and totally in awe of all the decorations and music but didn't once try to tear down the Christmas tree. Such a good boy! He still loves peek-a-boo, is starting to pull himself up to standing and follows us all around the house or will come find us when we call him. He rips his socks off about 5 times a day and sometimes grinds his tiny teeth which drives me crazy!!

We decided to ditch the winter weather and went with Daddy on his marking trip to San Diego! Another good flight, but getting there very late meant a not very good cab ride to our hotel. His sleep was a bit off the whole time due to the time change, but we knew that would be difficult, especially only being there for a few days, so we just went with it. Crawling around in the hotel room, he learned to go from crawling to sitting! He also liked pulling all the clothes out of the suitcase. I'm sure it was a nice change for him to be out in the stroller without the Bundle Me cozy bag, sweaters and hats. It wasn't too hot, but sunny every day and warm enough for t-shirts. We went to the San Diego Zoo and he seemed to like looking at all the animals and just being outside with Mommy and Daddy all day. One night we tried putting him to sleep in the stroller so we could take him with us up to the rooftop pool for a quick dip in the hot tub. He was not thrilled about not being included so of course woke up. We got a few minutes at least. Drove up the coast to Laguna and Newport Beach. He was a good traveler getting there but not so happy on the way to Newport Beach or on the way back. Taking him down to the ocean was so fun, after a very west coasty breakfast bowl and green smoothie which we shared with him. He was a bit afraid of the waves and wind so stuck close to me.

It was a bit hard finding things for him to eat on the trip. I'm not wanting to give him too much salt, sugar, etc. so it's sometimes challenging finding something for him to eat at restaurants. I was a bit more relaxed though and let him taste a bunch of different things, like the fantastic burgers we had at Urban Burger or minestrone soup, and found him some squeeze pouches of pure applesauce which he seemed to really like, plus always had some apples and bananas and of course, Cheerios. He still seems to be a good eater, loves fruit, sweet potatoes, peas and soup. Not a big fan of meat, but likes beans and ground meat (turkey) in burgers, meatballs or chili. We are pretty positive he is allergic to butternut squash after giving him some soup and enduring a night of throwing up (at Lindsay's in Milton - so much that our sleepover turned into a late night drive home!).

Gavin babbles a lot to himself and has some different tones of voice. He smiles a huge grin all the time but it's still sometimes hard to get a good laugh out of him. For some reason he's started finding it hilarious when he gets out of the tub. I'm usually in the tub with him and pass him out to Daddy and he squeals and laughs and kicks his arms and legs like crazy! So weird... Still sleeping in bed with us, waking frequently and nursing through the night. Will sometimes sleep in though which is nice.

Christmas was super busy but lots of fun. Gavin ended up getting what we're pretty sure was fifth disease on Christmas Day. He'd been fussy and not really himself the day before and had a low grade fever and we noticed the rash on Christmas Day. Definitely not acting like himself so not as into opening presents as he might've been if he was feeling well. Lots and lots of nursing, cuddles and some good naps. He gave us a great gift New Year's Eve when he slept from 10:00-12:30, letting us have a fun evening and midnight celebrations with Kyle and Shannon (and Dad and Rob).

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