Monday 24 March 2014

Eleven Months

Gavin turned 11 months the day we went for a waterfall hike in Costa Rica! The trip was awesome and such nice weather so it was hard to come back to a very cold Toronto. Our classes are very hit and miss now with naptime...I hate to mess up his naps, so usually just go with his cues and if that means we miss a class, I at least get my naptime break! He can nap anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, but usually around 1-1.5 hours is normal. After getting back from Costa Rica he has decided to HATE getting in his stroller, which is making grocery shopping a bit of a challenge and is killing my back from wearing him in the carrier more often! Hoping for warmer weather soon and maybe he'll be ok in the stroller again.

He has a MASSIVE tooth coming in on the bottom right side, not a back molar, but one of the middle ones. His eye teeth on the top are coming in too, so I guess we can blame some of his moodiness on teething.

Gavin now signs "more" (by clapping), and also consistently signs "milk"!! That was so exciting to see him start signing milk, and it's been really helpful for both of us I think that he can communicate that. I try to nurse him as soon as he signs it to positively reinforce the sign so I think he's gotten the hang of it now! He also sort of signs "finished" by wiping his hands together when he's done...but a better indication that he's done is a high chair freak out, swiping all the food off his tray or throwing food onto the floor. He is incredibly moody and quite determined. If he really wants something and you try to take him away from it or take something away from him, he cries loud and hard. His mood seems to turn on a dime and he can go from laughing to crying in a second. He is cruising around a bit more so I'm trying to keep shoes on him in the house so he has a better grip on the floor. We really need to start baby proofing more since he's into all the cupboards and drawers. I'm always watching but better safe than sorry. He discovered the toilet paper and has gotten away with two good rounds of emptying the roll, and has almost totally emptied a Kleenex box at Nana and Papa's.

Sleep is still our biggest challenge. I'm constantly second guessing our decisions from one minute to the next. When you're on hour 2 of trying to get him to sleep, bouncing and nursing and feeling like you are actually going to lose your mind, it's easy to just want to stick him in his crib and let him cry. Easier said than done though since I'd never be able to make it past 2 minutes. Then there are the night where he snuggles in, nurses for a while, pops off on his own and sleeps for a good few hours in between us in bed. Those are the good nights. As I write this, he has finally gone to sleep at 10:00 after almost 2 hours of trying to get him down. So tonight is not a good night. Since his birthday is just around the corner, we're starting to think about when the right time would be for Baby #2. We both know we want them to be close in age, but seriously, I can barely do life with our busy, temperamental sleeper as it is, let alone being pregnant, let alone having a newborn to deal with too! One thing's for sure....if Gavin is still sleeping with us by the time I get a big belly...we're going to need a bigger bed!

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