Wednesday 19 June 2013

First Timer!

We have a first this morning... I came back from a dentist appointment (Daddy worked from home to stay with Gav) and found a sleepy boy being put down in his big crib. It's a slight miracle to get him to sleep on his own in his little co-sleeper in our room, let alone his full sized crib! He sleeps best while being worn in the wrap or carrier out and about, in the stroller, or next to me at night in our bed. But our boy is now napping in his big crib! He looks SO tiny in it!

A perfect example of how things go according to GAVIN'S plans, not ours! I had every intention of racing back from the dentist, loading him in the car and rushing to get to a Carrier Fit class. I went last week and it was awesome, and want to make sure to go to as many classes as possible with Baby & Me Fitness (check out photos of yours truly in action on the website, and in the video!)  But when I saw that he was actually falling asleep in his crib, after an unusually rough night last night, I thought, just let him be. I could have woken him, stuck him in the carseat which would inevitably cause him to get upset, race to the class which I would have been late for anyway, pay for parking, collect all his stuff, stick him in the carrier and get us both hot and sweaty in class..... Or, I could let him sleep.

He keeps "startling" with his arms flailing, but it's too warm for a full swaddle and I want to see if he is able to stay asleep through a bit of noise from outside and his own movements. I'll save the vacuuming for later.


Aaand he's up. Solid 20 mins Gav. Good effort. Sigghhh...

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