Tuesday 4 June 2013

Two Months

Where have two months gone! I feel like a typical mom, always talking about how fast time is going and how fast my little baby is growing!

Gavin is smiling more and making lots of the most adorable coos. He's starting to have much more happy awake time. In the morning, after a feeding, he'll lie in his co-sleeper and smile and coo for a bit while I bring myself to wake up, make the bed and hopefully get myself ready for the day before he gets tired of that and starts crying. After a diaper change, the past few days he's been ok to sit in his new Mamaroo while I get some breakfast. Breakfast is usually interrupted by him getting tired of the chair and needing a cuddle or to eat again. He usually naps around 10:30, and the length depends on where he sleeps! If he's in the stroller, constantly moving, he'll sleep for ages. If he's in the wrap around home, he'll sleep for an hour. If he's on my chest, usually less than an hour. And if, heaven forbid, I lay him in his bed...I can maybe get 10 minutes. I really need to start putting him down more often to get him used to napping in his bed, but it's GREAT that he can nap well, if not better, on the go.

The rest of the day is off and on with eating, napping and playing during happy awake time. We've started to try to get a better evening routine started, with stories with Daddy when he gets home and while I make dinner, a bath every other night, swaddle, nurse and bed around 9:00. He's usually sleeping at least 2 hour stretches at night, but it's hard to keep track when I just bring him in bed to nurse and we both fall asleep! Yes, maybe we should be more diligent about putting him back in his bed, but realistically, if we're both sleeping, that's good enough for me!

Likes: EATING, kicking his legs, waving fists, sucking on fists, feeling soft things on his face (likes having his mouth wiped after spitting up?! but hates all other forms of grooming), Mommy's voice, Daddy's stories, sleeping in the wrap, long stroller rides (with NO stops of course) and BATH TIME! Has been having baths in the big tub with Mommy and absolutely loves the water...but hates getting out and being cold.

Dislikes: Gas, car rides on occasion (has screamed his voice hoarse a few times), Mommy grooming him, Daddy's loud nose blowing (has been so loud and scary that he's cried a few times!), middle of the night diaper changes, being alone for too long

Activities: loves kicking on his mat and is starting to reach for/hit the hanging toys, likes sitting in his Mamaroo a bit more (kicks the frame hard!), liking tummy time more - very curious, always wide-eyed looking around, especially at things on the wall, drooling a bit when sucking on his fist, sometimes has huge burps after feeding, still will fall asleep fairly easily in wrap when tired and still likes being bounced on the ball when upset

On Gav's actual 2 month birthday, we were in Tillsonburg, so again, the photos were a few days after. Apparently he was all smiled out as I couldn't get a single grin the whole time!

Even tried changing his outfit, but he would not be fooled.

He has started sucking on his fist A LOT, drooling more, and will suck on his forearm so hard he gives himself massive hickeys and makes us look like abusive parents.

Most of the photo shoot went like this with sticker ripping and that "why are you doing this to me?!" face.

The closest thing to a smile. Next month maybe...

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