Friday 14 June 2013

Little Gentleman

This boy already has such a little personality. Sometimes it can be heartwarmingly adorable...sometimes it can downright make your ears bleed. One of the most frequent comments I've heard from friends and admirers of Gavin is "he has so many expressions!" He has quite the expressive little face, and it's hilarious to imagine what he must be thinking with each raise or furrow of his eyebrows.

I think we have a sensitive little guy on our hands as well. From the perspective of Dr. Karp's The Happiest Baby, Sensitive babies are wide-eyed and super-alert; their reactions to the world are as transparent and pure as crystal. But like crystal, sensitive infants may be fragile and require extra care. They are so open to everything around them they can easily become overloaded. Even their own cries even nudge them into stronger screams.

Well, hello Gavin! Wide-eyed and super-alert?


He is even starting to get more "distracted" while nursing, which I can see turning into a nightmare the older, bigger and more aware he becomes. If only he would be so kind as to detach himself before whiplashing his head back at the slightest noise!

That last part of describing Mr. Sensitive is usually what happens in the car. He'll be fed, changed and totally happy...until the click of the carseat straps. A few cries usually follow, which sometimes are soothed when we start to drive. But other times, those early cries quickly escalate and become full on wails and it's next to impossible to calm him with anything other than taking him out of the seat. There should be a "screaming baby" fast lane on every road to save mothers' sanity.

I find myself wondering a lot about how his temperament now will shape his personality. If he does turn out to be a fairly sensitive young lad, will he be shy? Will he get his feelings hurt easily? Will he make friends easily or prefer to play by himself? It will be crazy to see our little baby mature and become his own little person, with whatever his personality may be. Time will tell...and I'm in no hurry.

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