Tuesday 22 January 2013

Paint on the Walls!

Well, little Pea's room is finally getting a makeover! When we moved into our condo three years ago, I literally painted every single wall in the place...except the second bedroom. It was a golden yellow colour, which we could live with, and I told myself that room would wait for a makeover until it was ready to become a nursery. So the time has finally come! This is one thing that I've been excited about for a long time. Being away in Calgary, I knew I had to wait until January to start on baby's room, so that gave me plenty of time (hours, days, you know how it is) to PIN a zillion ideas on Pinterest.

Fortunately, I've always wanted a more gender neutral nursery, and with greys becoming so popular, and loving the look personally, that became the original colour palate for the room. Then, literally A YEAR AGO, I found this and pinned it:

from Pinterest

Especially since we were working with such a small space, I LOOOVED the idea of the stripes along one wall. Not too busy, but adds some interest (and hopefully a "lengthening" effect) to the room as a whole. Pretty sure I also pinned that cute alphabet print on the wall...

I'm not totally sure how it will look with the Espresso colour on the crib, but since the crib frame is white, it should all work. My plan is to have baby's name above the crib, the far wall of the room decorated with a framed photo collage, and to fit in some sort of display shelf/bookcase for the little details. The blessing/curse of baby's room? One full wall of windows. Natural light? Awesome. Wall space for shelving/furniture? Not happening.

Second debate? Since the crib has both white and dark espresso, I'm still undecided on the colour of the change table (Ikea dresser) and potential bookshelf. My initial thought was to keep everything dark for contrast (plus, we have quite a few things in Ikea black/brown so they could eventually go in a room together once we have a house). But looking at ideas I've pinned of other grey and white nurseries, it seems the trend is to do all white furniture.

Another Pinterest idea

Still somewhat undecided on those little things, but the one thing I was solid on were the grey and white stripes. Luckily my mom was able to come down to help with the painting, giving us so much quality catch up time my throat was sore by the end of the day from too much talking! We were both crazy nervous about choosing the right grey, and more importantly, how the stripes would turn out. I don't want to share any pics until everything is done, but.....the stripes worked GREAT! We were both holding our breath as we peeled the first piece of tape off the wall, only to uncover some pretty perfect lines, and nice, crisp, white stripes against the grey wall! Success!!

I'll just share ONE little detail, the first thing to officially decorate Pea's room. A year ago, I was at the One of a Kind show with my mom, and we saw the cutest little shop set up with nursery decor. On the wall were these canvas object prints, and Mom and I both let out a huge "Awwhhh!" at the one of the little twig. I've loved it ever since, and it showed up under the Christmas tree at home this year (thanks Mom!!). Isn't it cute? Definitely worthy of the first nail in the new room.

Twig print from Pi'lo

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