Thursday 10 January 2013

Week 24

So, remember how I said I wanted to make my life easier by getting chalk markers for my chalkboard and weekly posts? Here's the maiden voyage of the chalk marker.

Pros: feels awesome to write with, more solid line than chalk, generally easier/less finicky to use
Cons: letters are too thin, obviously can't do any shading (not like I'm that pro anyway), doesn't come off chalkboard

Oh, wait....what was that last one? DOESN'T COME OFF CHALKBOARD. That's right. This rushed photo was taken at my parents, smack in the middle of Christmas running around, so there it stayed until we returned. Upon said return, ready for some creative Christmas shots, I set off to wipe off the old, with the reassurance of the simple chalk marker instructions to SIMPLY WIPE OFF. Yeah right. It literally faded about 1% and would NOT come off AT ALL. Wonderful. Thanks a lot, chalk markers. Really, Merry Christmas to you too.

Ok, so I think a possible solution would be to wipe off IMMEDIATELY afterwards, but still...not what I expected. Might give them another try, but not sure I want to risk it. You win, Crayola. Back to you.

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