Monday 4 March 2013

Ready or Not?

I think I've been lucky to have stayed away from a lot of the crazy questions and comments that can come up around pregnant women... Like these:

The biggest thing we hear now is the big question: ARE YOU READY?

Our short answer?


After the hours of classes, reading, research and discussing, we're as ready as we'll ever be. Or, maybe "ready" isn't the right word. I'm not sure if anyone is ever really ready for the change a baby will bring. We are prepared. Prepared for things to go perfectly, or not go our way. Expect the unexpected, go with the flow, and just hope for a healthy baby.

There are still things to buy (crib sheets, more diapers), to prepare (home birth supplies), to CLEAN (hello nesting!)... but overall I feel content with where we are now and feel like we're ready for this baby to come out and play with us! Or scream through the night...

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