Thursday 13 December 2012

Week 23

Three months goes by FAST. We're sitting in our very bare condo, surrounded by suitcases, wondering how it's possible that we fly back to Ontario TOMORROW. As much as I can't wait to see my family and friends, it's going to be sad leaving Calgary just because of the lifestyle we were able to have here. Less stress, less obligations, shorter work hours...I'll definitely miss certain things about Calgary life.

Being that we're heading home, house hopping between family and friends with Christmas in between, I probably won't be posting as much as I'd like in the next few weeks. But come January, I want to make it a priority to be posting much more often, which should (I'm hoping) be easier with all the baby prep we'll be doing! January's project: NURSERY!!!

Sometime over this past weekend (in California, which I need to post about...) this belly seemed to POP! The day of this photo, I had at least 5 comments from customers at work about the belly, which was a first! Definitely depends on what I'm wearing I guess, since the next day I had none.

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