Tuesday 6 November 2012

Food For The Belly: Brunch!

Brunch may be one of my absolute favourite meals. If you feel like breakfast, have breakfast! Feeling like lunch? Have lunch! Mix them up, have something light or eat your face off, with homefries on the side.

So, I like brunch. Yet, brunch is fairly rare at home. That's a lot of ingredients, a lot of prep work and a lot of effort on a weekend when mornings are for sleeping in and relaxing. So brunches at home are few and far between. Unfortunately, this is not a story of a huge brunch feast. That would've been awesome. However, when I saw these cute little brunch treats on Pinterest (where else) I had to make them on the weekend!

The Pinterest version

 Mine actually turned out fairly well, except the whole "hashbrown basket" idea, and probably the fact that I barely followed the exact recipe. Well, that's not true, it was pretty close. I had a baked potato in the fridge which I grated and patted around the edges of each muffin hole and baked ahead of time. HOWEVER, I now think that any cooking spray is the most worthwhile investment of all time. Being in Calgary for a short time, we didn't want to buy too many kitchen extras like that, figuring something like PAM spray could easily be replaced with butter or olive oil. Well let me tell you, slathering the entire muffin hole in butter was pretty much a waste of time and butter since there was more hashbrown basket left in the tin than came out in the end! Disappointing.

I also didn't crack a whole egg into the hashbrown basket. I whisked up the eggs and mixed in my bacon bits, some cheese and a few more pieces of potato (the pieces that didn't grate so well). I filled the muffin cups to the brim so it also took a bit longer to bake, but came out perfectly done.

Here's mine! This one was Eric's, and as one who is just starting to be ok with eating eggs, he got his on top of a potato pancake, made with the rest of the grated baked potato.

We had some salsa and Frank's hot sauce with it and it was pretty tasty! As long as you have certain things done ahead of time (either have frozen hashbrowns or an already baked potato), it didn't really take that long to make, just a bit of time to bake (well, hello Dr. Seuss!). You can eat it with some cheese, you can eat it as you please! Have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or make it at brunch and you're the winner! Ok, I'm done with that now.

Anyways, one more thing.

Speaking of Pinterest projects gone right or wrong.....I found the most amazing blog ever.


Maybe it was the fact that it was getting late last night and I was bored, but I laughed so hard going through this blog. All of your Pinterest projects GONE WRONG. I've had a few myself. One in particular I'll have to share sometime. But check it out: http://pinstrosity.blogspot.ca/ for a good laugh. And eat brunch. My tips for the day. You're welcome!

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