Wednesday 28 November 2012

Week 21

So, I'm sure some may be wondering why all of a sudden these posts are coming rapid fire on the same day, after not posting in almost a week.


I got a job.

What's that? A job? But aren't you leaving Calgary in like, two weeks?

Yes, that's correct.

After job searching throughout September and October, it has to be mid-November when something finally works out. I can admit that I maybe didn't hit the pavement as intensely as I should have earlier on, but let's be serious. November? Really??

Since I really couldn't turn down an offer, I started work last Thursday, and will be giving my notice at the end of this week. Quite the pickle, huh? On top of it all, I also had to go out and try to update my wardrobe to comply with the "formal black and white" dress code. Wonderful. Let's buy some fancy-pants clothes to last me 3 weeks. Oh, and make them maternity please!

Anyways, enough about that. I'm not going to complain about this less-than-ideal situation, as I'm glad to have found something even for a little while. It's just been a bit complicated, and I feel really bad knowing full well that I'm leaving soon. Also, I'm on my feet for some 8 hour days, and let me tell you, flats and pregnancy do not mix. I'm SO looking forward to yoga today to stretch my spine, which feels like it has been sawed in half.

Thus ends the story of why I've been neglecting this blog, and I just hope to make it through the next 2 weeks.


So 21 weeks! I had an appointment yesterday for a quick checkup and all is well. I was really interested to see if I had gained any weight since my last appointment there, and turns out, I'm right on track. I was up 5 lbs in 5 weeks, which is exactly what to hope for, as they say a pound a week is average and expected. My belly is also right on track, measuring 21 cm at 21 weeks, which is bang on where it's supposed to be. And little pea's heartbeat? Totally average as well. My, aren't we boring. I'll take boring any day if it means we're both healthy and everything is progressing as it should.

Here we are at 21 weeks! Eric's iPhone app says that this week, baby is the size of a spaghetti squash, which I think is way more accurate than a pomegranate. But pomegranate is more fun to document with chalk, so Pom it is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait to hug you and that big baby bump!