Monday 29 October 2012

Hiking in a Winter Wonderland

On my family's last weekend in Alberta, we went to stay with them at their resort in Canmore. It had been chilly in Calgary for a while and the Canmore/Banff area was definitely getting colder. There was talk of snow that weekend.

On the way there, we stopped back at Bo Bebe to show Eric the Baby Joggers, though we had pretty much decided on the GT. Realistically, it's all we need for right now, and as much as there's value in getting the Select for the long term, we couldn't really justify the need right now, or the need for something bigger. What we need for now is something small, compact, city-worthy and easy to transport. So, as a gift, my parents bought their first grandbaby the Baby Jogger City Mini GT stroller! Save the tax, order in Alberta, ship to Ontario! Thanks Nana and Gramps to be! It's very exciting knowing we have something for baby and that one big item is off our list and off our minds.

We had a nice evening in Canmore, out for dinner and everyone went to bed pretty early. I woke up in the morning, and decided to take a peek outside....

Well, hello Whoville, it's Christmas morning! Snow, snow, snow!! It was softly snowing, with a perfect white covering on EVERYTHING. The ground was covered, trees were dusted with white, and people still swimming in the pool (weird and doesn't match the Christmas morning setting...). So pretty! After breakfast we knew we wanted to go for a hike, but the weather definitely helped shape the plans for what type/how long of a hike. We headed a bit outside of Banff to Johnston's Canyon and started our hike to see the lower and upper falls. The snow was still nice, just a bit on the ground and a few flakes in the air, plus we were bundled up and ready so it was fun!

And then it started snowing a bit harder.

And pretty soon, it was Blizzard Fest 2012.

All you could really do is laugh at it (or at my face here). The snow was just SO thick, HUGE flakes pelting you in the eyes as you walked, feeling your hair turn to icicles. It was blizzarding like this for at least half our time in the canyon, but started to calm down on the way out. 

 I swear, if Ontario doesn't deliver a white Christmas after all this in October....

We thawed out in Banff with some awesome pizza at a place Eric and I had been before. Their dipping sauce creation? Chili oil and honey. Together. Incredible! I think you'd definitely need the right kind of pizza for this, but the ones we had tasted phenomenal with this crazy combo. We had dinner in that night and Eric and I braved the pool/hot tub for about 3.5 minutes. A perfect wintery October day.

The next day we did a bit more exploring around Canmore, making our way through the snow to follow a little path along the river.

The photos still don't really do it justice as it was such a beautiful winter day, and great times spent with my family. I'm so glad they were out here to visit and it was hard to say goodbye, knowing that it would be a longer stretch of time before coming home. But time will fly, and I know we'll end up missing a lot about Calgary when we're back home so we're trying to savour it now.  Hopefully everyone at home and on the west and east coasts are staying safe with the crazy storms coming this week.

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