Tuesday 2 October 2012

It worked!

At one point this summer, the offer came up for me to take part in bebo mia's fertility yoga program. As we had already been trying for over 6 months, I thought this would be a great head start on our potentially long and frustrating fertility journey, and agreed to give it a try. Plus, a little yoga and tea never hurt anyone, right? Funnily enough, the 6 week program began right at the beginning of my cycle. Sitting in a circle, sipping tea to hopefully take the edge of my raging cramps, it was eye opening to speak to this group of women who were open in sharing the trials of their unique fertility journeys. Endless doctor appointments, tests, hormones, miscarriages, fights with partners, tears and unanswered questions were the topics of our little circle. And I was terrified. Having not gone through any of this yet, I started to feel guilty, like an intruder on this group of women since I was, fortunately, not able to share in any of these experiences personally. Family history, sure. But personally, I had yet to truly encounter the heartache of infertility and now felt like I was preparing myself for battle. This is what's to come for me, so I'd better learn how to cope.

The weeks went by, with our yoga practice advancing and conversation deepening. I discovered that this was totally unlike the hot yoga classes I'd tried in university and really got into the yoga, and even found myself able to really relax during our short meditations at the end of class. The weeks went on, and by the final week, I felt really good about doing this class for myself, and to maybe prepare myself a bit for the trials that could come in the future. The last class was Tuesday July 31. Three days later, on Friday, I found out about our little pea. Fertility yoga success!

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