Tuesday 2 October 2012

Week 12

Dear precious little pea,

We've waited for this week since we first found out about you. Now we can finally see you for the first time and really know you are real. Mommy hasn't felt much from you, and thanks you every day for not making her hurl her breakfast every morning. Our first picture of you was so early, you were just a little shadow. And we still haven't heard your little heartbeat.

But today, sweet pea, we got to see you, and it was incredible. We thought they might have to search around a bit for you since you're still so small, but as soon as the very nice ultrasound tech put the wand on Mommy's tummy, there you were, your little head and body, right there all cozy and safe inside. We saw you move your little arms and legs and were so happy. We pray every day that you are strong and healthy in there, so seeing you squirming around was everything we hoped for. We could see the tiny flicker of your healthy heartbeat, and could even count your little fingers and toes.

You were also nice and polite and crossed your little feet and stayed nice and still while you were measured. Good manners already, little one. Keep that up.

We have stared at your pictures so many times since then and they always make us so happy. Keep growing in there, Daddy is very excited to see Mommy's tummy turn into a bigger bump! We can't wait to see you again when you're a little bit older. Maybe we can even tell who you look like, though we already know you will be adorable. Feel free to start giving Mommy some kicks soon, though try to remember that her bladder is not a trampoline. Thanks, little one. We love you so much!

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