Thursday 18 October 2012

Week 15

It's been so fun having my parents and brother here this week! Keeping busy with weekends in the mountains and trips to BC have really made the time fly by so far. It doesn't really feel like it's been that long since we've seen family! Still, so great to have them here. I'm not sure what my mom did first, hug me or go straight for the bump! This belly seems to have a mind of it's own. I thought it had blossomed over the Thanksgiving weekend, but when we got back from Vancouver, it seemed to have shrunk! Mom commented that she thought I'd be a bit bigger, and Eric and I often say (especially in the morning) that I barely look pregnant. 

Well, watch out Wednesday (when we took this photo) because here it is! I woke up Wednesday morning and thought, hello little belly! For some reason, all of a sudden on Wednesday it seemed bigger! I flaunted my new little bump in yoga, though I'm still the smallest belly in class, and by the end of the day when we took the photo, it was large and in charge!

I made an appointment for my 16-week checkup on Monday. Since it's just at a walk-in clinic, I'm hoping all goes well and I get a thorough appointment, and can hopefully hear baby's heartbeat since we haven't heard it yet! All in all though, I'm thankful I'm still feeling great and looking forward to a great weekend with my family in Canmore!

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