Thursday 11 October 2012

Week 14

Again before yoga! I was actually pretty sore after our last class, so we'll see what happens this time. I really need to get to the gym more often... Now that the weather in Calgary has taken a turn for the dead of winter, it's much less motivating to stray from our cozy fireplace to go anywhere. I know rest is good, but still...need to get out more. Now that I've put it out there, I'll feel more guilty not doing it, so thanks for the guilt-trip. Jerks.

WHY YES I DID GET COLOURED CHALK!!! How sweet of you to notice! Dropped a whole 93 cents at Walmart for those bad boys. I also went on a quest for Chalk Ink, or Chalk Markers, whatever you want to try to call them when you explain them to the staff in the store who look at you like you just made something up. Yes, this is the same stuff you see on the boards at Starbucks, restaurants and cafes literally EVERYWHERE. And you can literally buy it NOWHERE. Someone at Michael's said I was about the thousandth person to ask so they were supposed to be getting some in, and for pity sake, would someone just ask Starbucks already and find out where to buy it! Anyways, Michael's lady did find some packages which were not the colour combos I'd need and were $20 each. $40 on markers? Too rich for my blood. I looked online and found a ton of great, cheap options. Then realized I was on not .ca. Wonderful. My options are lacking and pricey so we'll have to see. I'll try to check the Michael's in Calgary or keep looking online, but otherwise it may have to wait for a Christmas stocking stuffer. Ok, end chalk rant. Maybe this is a sign that I'm finally getting into the baby blog mentality. When my biggest problems are finding chalk ink...

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