Tuesday 2 October 2012

Love at First Sight

Baby is really there!!! We had our 12 week ultrasound yesterday and I can't even describe the feeling of seeing our little pea for the first time. Yes, I know enough to count my blessings for not hurling my breakfast every morning, but honestly, without being sick or really feeling any pregnancy symptoms, I started to wonder if everything was ok and how baby was doing in there with so kindly not affecting me at all! The second the ultrasound tech put the wand to my belly, there baby was. A tiny little head and body, making it 1000% REAL.

It was amazing to see those little arms and legs squirming around, when I can't feel a thing! We were able to see the flicker of a heartbeat, little fingers and teeny toes. The ultrasound tech kept saying how cute pea was, which I'm sure she says to everyone, but let's face it, she speaks the truth. What a cute little thing!

Finally hitting 12 weeks meant an enormous amount of relief to hear that baby is healthy, but also....we can finally stop biting our tongues and spread the news! It's been so hard to keep it a secret, but I'm glad we waited until we knew for sure that all is well in there. Phone calls were made, texts and emails sent and we'll finally be able to share the news via the Wonderful World of Facebook this weekend.

Now that reality has set in, I really want to make this blog into a priority, to document the little things I want to remember about this pregnancy, to share stories and photos with family and friends, and to pose some questions to the mommy community about this crazy little thing called PARENTING. The stuff that's out there my friends....heavens above. Attachment parenting, co-sleeping, ten zillion different strollers and babywearing options, cloth diapers, debates on whether to give your children chores....it goes on and on and on! I'm of the mindset that before baby arrives, we'll have our preferences on a parenting style and we'll be particular about certain things we do, but all in all, our little pea's personality will determine much of how life with baby goes, and we'll sometimes just have to go with the flow. The psycho-planner in me does not lightly use this "go with the flow" nonsense...but when baby is running the show, I think it's the best way to maintain some sanity. More on the crazy world of parenting later...for now, you can spend hours looking at our polite little pea's delicate little legs, daintily crossed at the ankles. Sighhh. 

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